No Agenda Show

If you have never listened to this before I recommend that you do. If you have and you like it, you can help “propagate the formula” with the CD campaign by going here.

I’ve not made any CD’s but I have added all the CD contents to my FTP server which you can get to directly at the following links:

January Compilations  ♦  NA Pipelines  ♦  Red Pill Media Assassination  ♦  Syria or Bust  ♦  You Had Me at Conspiracy

Bradley Scores in Rochester


Who vs. Whom

Very well done tutorial over at The Oatmeal.

Minnewaska & Friends

Click the pic for the full album.

From Minnewaska 2013 is no more…

I just learned of this. I’m sad to see it go. It was a fun site that I did business with a number of times over the years.


Rides week 35 & 36

I think from now on I’ll post rides in the subject of the week they occur.

Latest Rides

H2H Mountain Creek Race & Camp Gaw

Camp Gaw:

Mountain Creek Race:

Small Talk

From XKCD.

Recent Rides

We got lost this time on the north end of 119, made it back just before it got dark.

On this one I had major a chain slip an break resulting in broken spokes and a near crash.