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Old Rusty Things and an Experiment

We went for a walk around the Celery Farms (see the “Culture” section) this afternoon and came across this old tractor; it had steel tracks instead of wheels, a hand crank for a starter and this colorful rusty seat. We also saw a huge snapping turtle. I wonder if it was around when this tractor was running.


Then later Bradley and I spent some time experimenting and playing with the camera. Here is what he came up with:



I went for a short hike after work today and made some pictures. This is a waterfall at Ramapo Reservation. I photographed this about 25 years ago on b/w film with my AE/1, today on a 6D. This exposure is 70mm for 30 sec. at f/22 with an ND and polarizing filter.


FiOS Speed Upgrade

This has been a long overdue speed upgrade for the service at the office. We can get up to 500mbps at this location but in reality anything over 100mbps will require some expensive hardware upgrades. At this new 75/75 speed it almost matches the speed at the offsite backup servers so those jobs will run much faster.


Tour of the Battenkill 2015

Conditions were perfect. I was in significantly better shape and more well prepared this year. I improved my time by approximately 30 minutes. I’m looking forward to improving again next year, the goal is to be under 4 hours.

Pre-race antipication:
Last minute preparations:

Agoura Hills Cycle Camp 2015

Ride Update

Things are very busy. I have been getting in a fair amount of rides given the weather, construction at the house and things being very active at work. I think for now at least it will be most efficient if I just leave my ride data on Garmin Connect and refrain from embedding all the updates here on my blog. So if you want to see whats happeneing regarding my rides and fitness tracking you can do so at my Garmin Connect Page.

Home Improvement

Here is how things have progressed since just after Christmas.

Ride Update

I’ve had a worn out heart rate monitor for some time so many of these show incomplete data. I just received a new one and it looks like its working well.

NYC Moto Show and Festivus 2014

pdftk cont’d…

I recently had cause to export many hundreds of email messages to .pdf. I’ll save you the details as to why but subsequently I needed to know the cost (in time and paper usage) of printing out all of the PDF files; how many pages would it be? How could I know? I previously posted about pdftk so I assumed it would provide me the answer. A bit of Googling led me to commandlinefu and the following solution.

find . -name "*.pdf" -exec pdftk {} dump_data output \; | grep NumberOfPages | awk '{s+=$2} END {print s}'

It worked like a charm.

The answer was “515” pages. Too many I think.