Uptimes a year later.
I must have a hardware clock in me because it seems like strange coincidence that I thought to make this post today; which turns out to be the day I made the same post last year. I wonder if this will happen next year too.
michael@X:~$ uptime
10:21:53 up 229 days,mhanson@X:~$ uptime
10:22:33 up 502 days,michael@X:~$ uptime
10:38:46 up 113 days,michael@X:~$ uptime
10:39:51 up 443 days,[michael@X ~]$ uptime
10:44:09 up 186 days,
Thats 1,473 days of uptime on 5 boxes. Are Windows servers staying up like that these days? I remember back in the dark ages I could go for about 90-100 days before I would need to reboot our NT 4.0 server, and that was pretty long for a server back then.
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